A: "Do you want fries with that?"
Q: What's the difference between a bank manager and a pigeon?
A: A pigeon can still put a deposit on a Ferrari.
Q: How do you get a banker out of a tree?
A: Cut the rope.
Q: What’s the definition of optimism?
A: A banker who irons five shirts on a Sunday evening.
A banker said he was going to concentrate on the big issues from now on. He sold me one in the street yesterday.
Q: What is the difference between a banker and a large pizza?
A; The pizza can still feed a family of four.
Q: What's the difference between a banker and a couch?
A: The couch can support a family of four.
Q: What do you call a banker without a girlfriend?
A: Homeless
Excellent !.Love the cartoons :-)